Community Notice: Intent to Apply

Intent to Apply – 21st CCLC Grant Funding

James L. McKeown Boys & Girls Club of Woburn hereby notifies the local community of our intention to apply to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers program grant to support out of school time (OST) programming at the Shamrock Elementary School in Woburn, MA.  The Club will submit the application to DESE in May of 2018. If granted, funds will be used to support additional learning time at the Shamrock Elementary School in Woburn, MA. The Club is applying to become a Demonstration Site within the 21st CCLC program.


The purpose of the federally-funded Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant is to support additional learning time for students in grades K-12 before and/or after school and during the summer that provides creative and engaging academic enrichment opportunities that will help to address college and workforce readiness and success.


More information about the 21st CCLC Program may be obtained by visiting the following webpage on the website of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education:

Questions or public input about the 21st CCLC program and grant proposal may be directed at Alison McDaniel, After the Bell Program Director for James L. McKeown Boys & Girls Club of Woburn.