Drive By Art Submissions: Be BIG & BOLD!

Submit your art work to be included in our Drive By Art Show! Every two weeks the Club will post a prompt for all members to submit art to the Club. Art will be hung in the Club’s windows for families to drive by and enjoy!
This week’s prompt is Be BIG & BOLD. Create a piece of art on a recycled canvas (newspaper, box, cardboard) that shows your interpretation of living big & bold! Submit your art to the labeled bin at the Club. Please include your name, age, and an artist statement expressing what your piece represents & was inspired by! Art cannot be bigger than 30” x 30”. Submissions are due to the Club on Monday, May 18th by 4:00 p.m.
All art will be on display by Wednesday, May 20th. Winners will be chosen in each age group: 8-10, 11-13, and 14-18.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!