Clubhouse Election Day & Veterans Day Programming

Join us at the Clubhouse for drop-in programming of Election Day and Veterans Day programming. All current Clubhouse members are encouraged to join us for a day of Club programming including special Election Day activities and Veterans Day service projects.
The Club will be open to drop-in members on Tuesday, November 5th and Monday, November 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Members must register on the MyClubHub Parent Portal to attend these days. Registration ensure safe staffing and always Club staff to plan accordingly. Members that are not registered, will not be allowed to access the program!
Please note that there is no early drop-off or late pick-ups. Members must arrange rides accordingly to be able to participate in vacation day programming. The Cadillac Café will be open and serving $5 pizza lunch, members must order at the beginning of the day!
To register, sign into your Parent Portal and click the “Register for Programs” image. You’ll find both days under the “School Vacation Programs” category. Click the arrow to review details of the day and then click enroll. Choose your member and click the flashing “Next” button at the top of the screen to complete your registration.