Congratulations: October Members of the Month Announced!

Congratulations to our first set of Members of the Month for the 2019-2020 program year! Each month staff recognize 6 members of our drop-in program for their participation in programs, engagement in different areas of the Club and positive attitude & behavior. Learn more about them here!

A.C.E. Award – Achieving through Continuous Effort
Given to 1 member of any age each month for excelling in the priority outcome area of Healthy Lifestyles by showing good sportsmanship and a positive attitude while pushing themselves to try new things and make good choices.
Molly S. was awarded the A.C.E. award for her commitment to staying active in programs while at the Club, and for engaging with her peers as a S.M.A.R.T. Girls participant.

S.T.A.R. Award – Striving Towards Achieving Results
Given to 1 member of any age each month for excelling in the priority outcome area of Academic Success by participating in a variety of programs and activities while demonstrating a strong effort to better themselves academically.
Daniella O. was awarded the S.T.A.R. award for participating in programs including Power Hour, and always being kind and helpful to the staff and other Club members.

G.R.E.A.T. Award – Generous, Respectful, Engaged, Accepting & Thoughtful
Given to 1 member of any age for excelling in the priority outcome area of Good Character & Leadership by showing a commitment to service learning through participation in service around the Club while also being a leader and making thoughtful, smart choices.
Lainey G. was awarded the G.R.E.A.T. award for her dedication to the Gemstones service learning program and for being a positive leader for the younger members at the Clubhouse.

Jr. Staff Member of the Month
Given to 1 member of the junior staff that leads by example and is a reliable role model during the time they work at the Club. They go above and beyond their responsibilities and are a true example of teen leaders at the Club!
Caleb S. was awared Jr. Staff Member of the Month for being a dedicated and engaged Jr. Staff, always checking in with the Program Staff and interacting with younger members.

Member of the Month
Given to 1 member aged 8 to 12 for consistent attendance and participation in all three key priority outcome areas while also possessing a good attitude, showing respect for all, and being a leader at the Club.
Elise B. was awarded Member of the Month for actively participating in a wide variety of Club programs, trying new things, and being a respectful friend and Club member.

Teen of the Month
Given to 1 member aged 13 to 18 for taking on leadership roles in the Clubhouse, setting an example for all Club members while also being present at the Club and participating in programs in each of the three key priority outcome areas while at the Club!
Barbie D. was awarded Teen of the Month for being a positive role model and teen leader, setting an example for others to follow and stepping up as a member of Keystone and every day presence at the Club.