Join the Drop-in Clubhouse Program!

We are excited to kick off our 2023-2024 drop-in Clubhouse program year! The Main Clubhouse is open to youth & teens 8-18 years old from any community. The Club offers a wide variety of programs and opportunities to support youth in three main program areas: academic success, healthy lifestyles, and good character & leadership.
Check out the important information on how to become a member and get involved this school year!
The 2023-2024 drop-in program opens Monday, September 18th and runs through mid-June, date TBD. To attend the drop-in program, all members returning or new, must complete a membership application through the MyClubHub Parent Portal, pay a $25 membership fee, and attend a new member orientation or a returning member meeting with an adult caregiver. Members will not be admitted into the Clubhouse until all pieces of registration are completed. Click the link above to see registration instructions & schedules.
Back to the Club: New Member Details
Back to the Club: Returning Member Details Clubhouse Joining Info 2023-2024 Returning Members
Please email Clubhouse Program Director, Claire Duke, with any additional questions regarding the Clubhouse program.