Alison McDaniel
After the Bell Program Director

Alison McDaniel
Alison began her career at the Club in 2005 as the Lil’ Kids Club Coordinator. At that time, she also began working at the After the Bell program at the Shamrock elementary School. In 2009, After the Bell became a 21st Century Community Learning Center through the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. At that time, Alison took on the role of managing the program. She has also recently overseen the expansion of Club services within the Woburn Public Schools to include After the Bell at the Joyce Middle School and Before the Bell at the Shamrock Elementary School. Alison’s responsibilities include overseeing the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant funding, and managing the day to day operations of both After the Bell programs, the Before the Bell program and the Lil’ Kids Club program. In 2014 Alison became the proud recipient of the Professional of the Year Award, presented by The Professional Association – Yankee Chapter.
“In my role, I most enjoy the time that I can interact with the students and their families while making After the Bell and Before the Bell a welcoming place for them.”