Teen Evening Hours

We are excited to share our teen evening hours for all members currently in the 7th-12th grade. Teen members are invited to the Club for programming from 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. During this time, staff have curated a great program offering for all including sport leagues, art, leadership & more!
Participation in the planned programming is required while at the Clubhouse. Teens are encouraged to check out the schedule and choose to attend on nights they are interested in the activities. Check out the current teen program calendar here!
Teen hours currently operate on a drop-in basis – meaning there is no need to pick your day or RSVP, just show up! Please note this is subject to change, but we will communicate any edits to the program as soon as possible. Staff will be keeping a close eye on our capacity and attendance to ensure safe numbers & ratios in alignment to our COVID safety procedures.
In order to attend, an updated 2021-2022 Club membership form & the $25 membership fee must be completed. Stop by the front desk or email Meg at m.gambale@bgcwoburn.org to receive this information!