Volunteer Coaches Needed!

The Club is looking for committed adult volunteers to support out 2022 Winter Basketball Leagues! Leagues are co-ed, intramural opportunities for our members to learn the sport of basketball while being in a supportive, team environment with their peers. Volunteers must commit to 2 hours a week during the season, which runs from mid-November to mid-March.
The Club hold three leagues and leagues are based on current school grade and are for members 8 years and older in 2nd through 8th grade. Practices are held Tuesdays-Fridays beginning at 6:00 p.m. and games are held on Thursdays for our oldest league and Saturdays for our two younger league.
If you are interested in volunteering as a coach this season, please follow this link to complete the Club’s volunteer intake form. Once completed a Club staff will be in touch with more information. Thank you for considering supporting the Club with your time!
Please note that registration information for our basketball leagues will be released shortly. The response to our volunteer need directly affects how we run these leagues and how many youth we can serve through this program.