Club Classics: Spring Programming

The Club is excited to announce Club Classics, a 6 week session of some of our favorite Clubhouse activities. Members, ages 8 to 18, are invited to participate in these weekly programs and we are excited to get more members back into the building!
Club Classics are programs that will run Mondays – Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Members are welcome to register for 1 program per evening for the 6 week session. The session will run from Monday, May 10, 2021 through Thursday, June 17, 2021. All programs are open to youth and teens of all ages, unless noted otherwise. Check out our spring offerings here!
To register, complete the Club Classics registration form and return it to Meg via email at or in the Club’s secure mailbox at our front door. All participants must complete a 2020-2021 membership application and pay a $25 membership fee. Not a member yet? No problem, Meg will follow up after receiving your registration form to complete membership!
Club Classics Spring 2021 Registration Form
Groups will have a limited number of members and all activities will follow current COVID-19 safety procedures such as social distancing, masking, hand washing and daily health screenings. Enrollment is limited and spots will fill on a first come, first serve basis. We ask the members commit to attending all 6 weeks of programming. Frequent absences will result in removal from the program in order to accommodate someone on our waitlist.