Session IV Enrollment: Spots Available

The Clubhouse afterschool program is entering its last session, Session IV! Programming begins Monday, April 25th and runs until Thursday, June 23rd! This program is open to youth ages 8-18 from any community and runs Mondays-Fridays from WPS school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. Space is limited and spots fill on a first come, first serve basis. Members sign up by the day of the week and can only attend on their registered days. 

Interested families must complete and return the enrollment form here: Afterschool Session IV Enrollment Form. Once days are confirmed in the program, a staff will be in touch to complete your membership. 

This limited capacity and set daily roster help ensure the Club remains a safe place for our members amongst the ongoing health crisis. The Club is a mask optional facility at this time.

Each afternoon members will participate in Power Hour, the Club’s designated time for homework help & academic support, receive a snack, and participate in a two activities of their choice. Members are encouraged to attend all registered days in their session and repeated failure to attend will affect your child’s continued ability to attend the program and to sign up for future sessions.

Please email Meg with any questions!

Session II Enrollment: Limited Spots Available

Session II of our afterschool programming begins Monday, November 29th and we have a limited amount of spots available for interested members! This program is open to youth ages 8-18 from any community and runs Mondays-Fridays from WPS school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. Space is limited and spots fill on a first come, first serve basis. Members sign up by the day of the week and can only attend on their registered days. 

Session II runs from Monday, November 29, 2021 until Friday, February 18, 2022. Interested families must complete and return the enrollment form here: Session II Enrollment Form. Once days are confirmed in the program, a staff will be in touch to complete your membership. 

This limited capacity and set daily roster help ensure the Club remains a safe place for our members amongst the ongoing health crisis. Masks are required for all who enter the Club.

Each afternoon members will participate in Power Hour, the Club’s designated time for homework help & academic support, receive a snack, and participate in a two activities of their choice. Members are encouraged to attend all registered days in their session and repeated failure to attend will affect your child’s continued ability to attend the program and to sign up for future sessions.

Please email Meg with any questions!

Club Basketball: Registration Information

James L. McKeown Boys & Girls Club of Woburn is offering intramural, instructional basketball leagues for youth in grades 2-6 this winter. The cost is $25 to participate and all participants must be Club members.

Leagues run from mid-November until mid-February. Teams will have one practice and one game each week. Biddy League teams practice at 6:00 p.m. weekdays and games are hosted Saturday mornings. Buddy League teams practice at 7:00 p.m. weekdays and games are hosted Saturday afternoons. Practice days and times are chosen by volunteer coaches and the Club can not make accommodations for practice and/or teammate requests.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are seeking volunteer coaches. If you are interested and/or able to volunteer to coach a basketball team this winter, please complete the volunteer form here. The number of coaches who volunteer determines the number of players we can accept into the league. Without enough volunteers, our spots for youth will be extremely limited.

To become a Club member, you must complete a 2021-2022 membership form and pay the $25 membership fee. Staff will be on hand during registration to collect all membership information for new participants. Memberships will not be available or accepted until the night of registration.


BIDDY BASKETBALL LEAGUE – for members in 2nd, 3rd & 4th grades (must be 8 years old by 12/31/2021).
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

BUDDY BASKETBALL LEAGUE – for members in 5th & 6th grades.
Thursday, November 4, 2021
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

Join Gemstones!


The Club is excited to start Gemstones, our elementary service group! Gemstones is a group of dedicated elementary members interested in giving back to their Club and community. We are looking for enthusiastic and energetic members looking to get involved in service learning in a weekly structured setting!

Join us at our first introductory meeting on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. At the meeting, youth will learn more about the group, meet the advisors, get membership information and more! We hope to see you there!

Gemstones is open to any elementary member, 8 years and older. Interested members that cannot make the first meeting, should email Katie for more information and how to join! 

Money Matters: Teen Financial Literacy.

Join other teens and learn important financial skills and tips on how to set yourself up for your future with Money Matters! Money Matters is a teen only opportunity for youth in 7th-12th grade that meets weekly on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. 

We’re recruiting motivated members to join this engaging program now! Opportunities will include learning how to budget for yourself, the real cost of being an adult and will include fun incentives and prizes for those who participate.

Email Katie for more information and come down to the Club to get involved!

A reminder that to become a teen member, you can come to the front desk at any time to complete your membership application and pay the $25 membership fee for the year! We look forward to seeing you soon.

Volunteer Coaches Needed!

The Club is looking for committed adult volunteers to support out 2022 Winter Basketball Leagues! Leagues are co-ed, intramural opportunities for our members to learn the sport of basketball while being in a supportive, team environment with their peers. Volunteers must commit to 2 hours a week during the season, which runs from mid-November to mid-March.

The Club hold three leagues and leagues are based on current school grade and are for members 8 years and older in 2nd through 8th grade. Practices are held Tuesdays-Fridays beginning at 6:00 p.m. and games are held on Thursdays for our oldest league and Saturdays for our two younger league.

If you are interested in volunteering as a coach this season, please follow this link to complete the Club’s volunteer intake form. Once completed a Club staff will be in touch with more information. Thank you for considering supporting the Club with your time!

Please note that registration information for our basketball leagues will be released shortly. The response to our volunteer need directly affects how we run these leagues and how many youth we can serve through this program. 

Teen Leagues: Teams Forming Now!

Teen leagues are forming now at the Club and we want you to join! Teen leagues are open to all members in 7th – 12th grades and of any skill level. These are opportunities for members to compete against other Club members, make new friends and have fun playing a new game. Leagues take place during our Teen Drop-In Hours evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and all you need is a 2021-2022 membership and to pay the $25 membership fee.

Mondays: Volleyball League
Tuesdays: Flag Football League
Thursdays: Basketball League

To become a member, just stop by the Club’s front desk to complete the paperwork and pay your fee. Email Dave with any questions at!

Teen Evening Hours


We are excited to share our teen evening hours for all members currently in the 7th-12th grade. Teen members are invited to the Club for programming from 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. During this time, staff have curated a great program offering for all including sport leagues, art, leadership & more! 

Participation in the planned programming is required while at the Clubhouse. Teens are encouraged to check out the schedule and choose to attend on nights they are interested in the activities. Check out the current teen program calendar here!

Teen hours currently operate on a drop-in basis – meaning there is no need to pick your day or RSVP, just show up! Please note this is subject to change, but we will communicate any edits to the program as soon as possible. Staff will be keeping a close eye on our capacity and attendance to ensure safe numbers & ratios in alignment to our COVID safety procedures. 

In order to attend, an updated 2021-2022 Club membership form & the $25 membership fee must be completed. Stop by the front desk or email Meg at to receive this information!

Keystone Application Released.


The Intrepid Keystone Club is the Club’s high school service learning group. Members gain valuable skills while engaging in community service and leadership development, focusing on academic success and career preparation.

New members interested in joining Keystone must apply via the application linked below. All applications are due to the Club September 29, 2021 no later than 7:00 p.m. Please drop them off at the front desk or in the Club’s secure mailbox at the front door.

2021-2022 Intrepid Keystone Application

If you have any questions, please contact Intrepid Keystone advisor, Katie Sullivan, at

Join the Tanners Torch Club!


Recruitment for the Tanners Torch Club is underway and they are looking for motivated middle school students who are looking to make change in their Club & community! Mark your calendars and make sure to attend the mandatory information session on Wednesday, September 22nd from 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Tanners Torch Club is a weekly commitment with meetings held on Wednesdays from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students from any community are welcome to apply. You do not need to be a Club member to apply or attend the information session.

Click here for all the important dates & details and email Erica at with any questions!